My Wife, My Angel


Dear Journal,

As I sit here, the soft glow of the evening sun casting a warm light over our home, I find myself overflowing with pride and gratitude. Today, I want to write about the most incredible person I know—my wife. She is the rock that has held our family together through the storms of life, the beacon of strength and love that has guided us through the darkest of times.

My wife, my angel, has always been a force to be reckoned with. She's the kind of woman who doesn't just talk about making a difference; she goes out and does it. A few years ago, she started a social media platform called "2A Angels." It's not just a hashtag or a trend; it's a movement, a community of everyday women who stand proudly for the Second Amendment. She saw a need to show the world that the right to bear arms isn't just for men, that women are just as passionate and capable when it comes to defending their families and their freedoms.

The impact of "2A Angels" has been nothing short of astonishing. Women from all walks of life have rallied behind her, sharing their stories, their strength, and their unwavering support for the Constitution. She's given a voice to those who might otherwise have been silenced, empowered those who might have felt powerless, and inspired a new generation of women to stand up for their rights. Watching her build this community, seeing the lives she's touched and the hearts she's inspired, fills me with a pride that words can hardly express.

But her strength and dedication aren't just limited to her advocacy. She's been my rock through some of the toughest times imaginable. When I was injured in the line of duty as a Marine, she was there every step of the way. She navigated the medical maze, advocated for my care, and never once let me feel alone or defeated. She fought for me when I couldn't fight for myself, and her unwavering support was the lifeline that pulled me through the darkest days.

And it wasn't just my injuries. She stood by me through job losses, through the pain and suffering that came with my disability. She was the one who kept our family afloat, who made sure that our son, who is autistic but incredibly talented, had everything he needed. She juggled the responsibilities of being a wife, a mother, and a caregiver with a grace and strength that still leaves me in awe.

During Hurricane Katrina, when our world was turned upside down, she was the one who held us together. She made sure we had a plan, that we were prepared, and that we stayed strong even as the storm raged around us. And when I had to be away, serving as a police officer, she was the one who kept our home a sanctuary, who made sure that our son felt loved and secure, who held down the fort with a steadfastness that never wavered.

She is everything to me. She is my partner, my confidante, my best friend. She is the love of my life, the mother of my child, the guardian of our family. She is the one who makes our house a home, who fills our lives with warmth and laughter, who keeps the light burning even in the darkest of nights.

I am blessed beyond measure to have her by my side. She is not just my wife; she is my hero, my inspiration, my guiding star. She is the one who makes me want to be a better man, a better husband, a better father. She is the one who gives me the strength to face whatever challenges come our way, who reminds me that no matter what, we are in this together.

As I look at her now, her eyes shining with determination, her heart filled with love and courage, I am humbled and grateful. I am grateful for the life we have built together, for the love that binds us, for the family that we have created. I am grateful for her unwavering support, her unyielding strength, her unending love.

And so, with a heart full of pride and gratitude, I make this pledge: I will be the husband she deserves, the partner she needs, the father our son can look up to. I will stand by her side, support her dreams, and cherish her with every fiber of my being. I will be her rock, her sanctuary, her haven, just as she has been mine.

For she is my wife, my angel, my everything. And I am blessed beyond measure to have her in my life.

Yours, with a heart full of love and gratitude,

A Disabled Marine, A Husband, A Father, A Man Blessed Beyond Measure
