How Freedom of America Should Be


Dear Journal,

As I sit here, the echoes of battles past whispering in my mind, I find myself dreaming of an America that is truly free. Not just the freedom we sing about in our anthems or pledge allegiance to in our classrooms, but a deep, profound, and natural freedom that resonates in the very soul of our nation. A freedom that is not granted by any government, but is inherent in the hearts of every man, woman, and child.

Imagine, if you will, an America living under natural law—a land where the principles of liberty, justice, and individual sovereignty are not just words on parchment, but the living, breathing essence of our daily lives. A place where the rights of every individual are respected, where the pursuit of happiness is not just a dream, but a tangible reality.

In this truly free America, the government would be a servant, not a master. It would exist to protect our rights, not to infringe upon them. It would be a guardian of liberty, not an arbiter of our lives. The power would reside with the people, and the government would be accountable to us, not the other way around.

The air would be filled with the scent of opportunity, the hum of industry, and the laughter of children growing up in a land where their dreams are not just possible, but encouraged. The streets would be safe, not because of the presence of law enforcement, but because of the inherent goodness and responsibility of the people. Neighbors would look out for one another, not out of fear, but out of a sense of community and mutual respect.

Education would be a journey of discovery, not a pathway to indoctrination. Schools would teach the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. History would be a celebration of our past, not a revisionist tale designed to fit a political narrative. Children would be taught to think critically, to question, to explore, and to grow into independent, responsible citizens.

Businesses would thrive, not because of government handouts or bailouts, but because of the ingenuity, hard work, and determination of their owners. The free market would be truly free, with competition driving innovation and excellence. Entrepreneurs would be celebrated, not vilified, and success would be a testament to hard work and perseverance, not a target for envy and resentment.

The media would be a beacon of truth, not a mouthpiece for propaganda. Journalists would be held to the highest standards of integrity, reporting the facts without bias or agenda. The press would be a watchdog, not a lapdog, holding the powerful accountable and shining a light on the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it may be.

Our borders would be secure, not because of walls or fences, but because of the strength of our values and the resolve of our people. Immigration would be a process of welcoming those who share our love of freedom and our commitment to the principles that make America great. It would be a celebration of diversity, not a dilution of our identity.

And what of our military? In a truly free America, our armed forces would be a shield, not a sword. They would exist to defend our nation, not to police the world. They would be a force for peace, not a tool for empire. Our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines would be honored, not just for their service, but for their sacrifice, their courage, and their unwavering commitment to the ideals that make America exceptional.

In this vision of a truly free America, the Constitution would be more than just a document; it would be a living, breathing testament to the power of liberty and the resilience of the human spirit. It would be a beacon of hope, not just for our own people, but for the world. It would be a reminder that freedom is not just an ideal, but a reality, a birthright, and a responsibility.

But how do we get there? How do we turn this dream into a reality? It starts with each and every one of us. It starts with a commitment to the principles of natural law, to the ideals that have made America great. It starts with a resolve to stand up for our rights, to hold our government accountable, and to never, ever give up on the dream of a truly free America.

It starts with education, with informing ourselves and our fellow citizens about the truth of our history, the power of our Constitution, and the importance of our freedoms. It starts with action, with getting involved in our communities, our schools, our churches, and our government. It starts with courage, with standing up for what is right, even when it is not popular, even when it is not easy.

And it starts with love, with a deep and abiding love for our country, for our fellow citizens, and for the ideals that make America exceptional. It starts with a commitment to the pursuit of happiness, not just for ourselves, but for all who call this great nation home.

So let us dream, let us hope, let us strive for a truly free America. Let us be the patriots who stand up for our rights, who fight for our freedoms, and who never, ever give up on the dream of a nation where liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness are not just words, but a living, breathing reality.

Yours, in freedom and in hope,

A Disabled Marine Veteran, A Patriot, A Dreamer of a Truly Free America
