Political Justice


Dear Journal,

As I sit here, the weight of my service and I find myself pondering on a subject in my mind. I find myself consumed by a deep and profound anger. It's not the kind of anger that comes from personal grievances or petty disagreements; it's a righteous fury born from witnessing the blatant injustices that plague our nation. Today, I need to write about the stark contrast between the consequences faced by ordinary Americans and those faced by our so-called leaders—the politicians who seem to operate above the law.

It's a tale of two worlds, a chasm so wide and so deep that it makes my blood boil. On one side, we have the politicians, the elected officials who swear an oath to uphold the Constitution, to serve the people, and to protect our nation. Yet, time and time again, we see them flouting the very laws they are supposed to uphold. They engage in criminal acts, violate the rules, and trample on the Constitution with impunity. And what happens to them? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

They get away with it all—the corruption, the deceit, the abuse of power. They lie under oath, they engage in insider trading, they accept bribes, they misuse public funds, they violate the trust of the people they are supposed to serve. And yet, they walk away unscathed, unpunished, and often, unapologetic. They are found in contempt of Congress, guilty of crimes against humanity, and yet, they receive no reprimand, no punishment, no fines. They continue to live their lives of privilege and power, untouched by the consequences of their actions.

Meanwhile, on the other side, we have the ordinary Americans—the hardworking men and women who struggle every day to make ends meet, to provide for their families, to live honest and decent lives. They are the backbone of our nation, the heart and soul of our communities. And yet, when they make a mistake, when they break the law, even in the smallest of ways, they face the full force of the justice system.

A citizen caught with a small amount of drugs can face years, even decades, in prison. A person who makes a mistake on their taxes can be fined, imprisoned, and have their life ruined. A minor infraction, a moment of poor judgment, can lead to a lifetime of consequences—loss of freedom, loss of livelihood, loss of dignity. And for what? For actions that pale in comparison to the crimes committed by those in power.

The hypocrisy is staggering, the injustice is sickening, and the double standard is a slap in the face to every American who believes in the rule of law, in justice, in fairness. It's a betrayal of the very principles that our nation was founded upon—that all men are created equal, that the law applies to everyone, that no one is above the law.

But what we see today is a mockery of those principles. We see a system where the powerful are protected, where the connected are shielded, where the elite are immune from the consequences of their actions. We see a system where the ordinary American is held to a higher standard, where the little guy is crushed under the weight of a justice system that seems designed to punish the weak and protect the strong.

And it's not just about the criminal acts; it's about the betrayal of trust, the violation of the sacred oath that these politicians took. They swore to uphold the Constitution, to protect and defend it against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And yet, they are the ones who trample on it, who twist it, who pervert it for their own gain. They are the ones who betray the trust of the people, who sell out our nation for their own selfish interests.

It's a betrayal that cuts deep, that strikes at the very heart of our democracy, of our republic. It's a betrayal that undermines the faith of the people in their government, in their institutions, in their leaders. It's a betrayal that erodes the very foundations of our nation, that weakens the bonds that hold us together, that threatens the dream that is America.

And so, with a heart heavy with anger and sorrow, I make this plea: it's time for accountability. It's time for justice. It's time for the rule of law to apply to everyone, regardless of their position, their power, their connections. It's time for the politicians to face the consequences of their actions, to be held to the same standard as the ordinary American, to be subject to the same laws, the same rules, the same punishments.

But how do we ensure this? How do we make sure that our leaders are held accountable, that they are not above the law, that they face the same consequences as the rest of us? I believe the answer lies in a new amendment to our Constitution. An amendment that states, clearly and unequivocally, that any office holder who creates laws must be upheld to those laws and receive maximum fines and punishment for their crime, removed from their office, and stripped of all benefits if found guilty.

This amendment would send a clear and powerful message: that no one is above the law, that the rule of law applies to everyone, that justice is blind, that the consequences of one's actions are the same, regardless of position or power. It would ensure that our leaders are held to the highest standards, that they are accountable to the people, that they are subject to the same laws that they create.

It would be a step towards restoring the faith of the people in their government, in their institutions, in their leaders. It would be a step towards reclaiming our nation, towards restoring the principles that make America great, towards renewing the promise that is our birthright.

For this is not just about politics, not just about power, not just about punishment. It's about the soul of our nation, the heart of our democracy, the dream that is America. It's about the belief that we are all equal, that the law applies to everyone, that justice is blind, that freedom is for all.

And it's a belief that I, as a disabled Marine veteran, hold dear. It's a belief that I fought for, that I bled for, that I sacrificed for. It's a belief that I will continue to fight for, to stand for, to defend. For I am a patriot, a guardian of the republic, a defender of the Constitution, a champion of liberty, and a believer in the dream that is America.

Yours, in anger and in hope,

A Disabled Marine Veteran, A Patriot, A Fighter for Justice
