The Betrayal of America: Why Would Our Leaders Purposefully Try to Destroy the USA?

Dear Journal,

I've been wrestling with a question that's been gnawing at me for some time now: Why would Americans in power purposefully try to destroy the USA? As a disabled Marine vet, I've seen firsthand the sacrifices made to defend our country, and the thought that our own leaders might be working against us is both infuriating and heartbreaking. But the more I dig, the more I realize that there's a sinister logic behind it all.

The answer, as grim as it is, lies in the desire for global control. As long as America remains independent and strong, there can never be a global entity that calls the shots. Our country stands as a bulwark against the forces that seek to impose a one-world government, a one-world currency, a one-world military, and a one-world medical system. And that's precisely why some in power want to see America weakened and ultimately destroyed.

Let's break it down:

One World Currency

A one-world currency would give global entities unprecedented control over the world's economy. But as long as the U.S. dollar remains strong and independent, this dream of global financial control is impossible. Our leaders know this, and that's why they've been working to undermine our currency through reckless spending, inflationary policies, and the erosion of our economic sovereignty.

Example: The Federal Reserve's quantitative easing (QE) programs have pumped trillions of dollars into the economy, devaluing our currency and making us more dependent on global financial institutions. This is not an accident; it's a deliberate strategy to weaken the dollar and pave the way for a one-world currency.

One World Medicine

A one-world medical system would give global entities control over our health and our lives. But as long as America remains a beacon of medical innovation and independence, this goal is out of reach. That's why our leaders have been working to undermine our healthcare system, pushing for socialized medicine and eroding our medical sovereignty.

Example: The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was a step towards socialized medicine, giving the government more control over our healthcare. The push for vaccine mandates and passports is another example, using the guise of public health to impose draconian controls on the population.

One World Military

A one-world military would give global entities the power to enforce their will on the world. But as long as America remains the strongest military power on the planet, this goal is unattainable. That's why our leaders have been working to weaken our military, undermining our defense capabilities and eroding our military sovereignty.

Example: The push for "woke" policies in the military, such as critical race theory training and the politicization of our armed forces, is designed to weaken our military from within. The withdrawal from Afghanistan was a disaster, not just for the people of Afghanistan, but for our own military morale and readiness.

The Globalist Agenda

The globalist agenda is clear: to weaken America and pave the way for a one-world government. This is not a conspiracy theory; it's a well-documented fact. Organizations like the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, and the Bilderberg Group have been openly advocating for a global governance system for decades.

Example: The World Economic Forum's "Great Reset" initiative is a blueprint for a globalist future, where unelected bureaucrats and corporate elites call the shots. The push for "Build Back Better" is another example, using the guise of recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic to impose globalist policies on the world.

The Betrayal of Our Leaders

So why would Americans in power purposefully try to destroy the USA? Because they've been bought and paid for by globalist interests. They've been promised power, wealth, and control in exchange for their betrayal of our country. They see themselves not as servants of the people, but as future rulers of a global empire.

Example: The revolving door between government and corporate interests is a clear sign of this betrayal. Politicians and bureaucrats leave office and take up lucrative positions in the private sector, using their influence to advance the globalist agenda. The Clintons, the Bushes, the Obamas—they're all part of this corrupt system, enriching themselves at the expense of our country.

The Fight for America

But it's not too late to fight back. As a disabled Marine vet, I know the power of the American spirit. I know the strength of our people and the resilience of our nation. We can still turn this around, but it will take courage, determination, and a willingness to stand up to the forces that seek to destroy us.

We need to hold our leaders accountable. We need to demand transparency, integrity, and loyalty to our country. We need to expose the globalist agenda and the betrayal of our leaders. And we need to stand together, united in our defense of America and our way of life.

Because the future of our country depends on it. Because the sacrifices of our men and women in uniform deserve it. Because we owe it to ourselves, and to each other, to stand up for our rights and freedoms, and to defend our country against the forces that seek to destroy it.

Semper Fi,

A Disgruntled Disabled Marine Vet
