Largest War on American Soil is Eminent per General Minihan- be prepared for anything


Dear Journal,

As I sit here, I find myself consumed by a sense of urgency and foreboding. The world as we know it is on the brink of unprecedented change, and the signs are all around us. The recent memo from AMC Gen. Mike Minihan has only served to heighten my concerns, painting a grim picture of the challenges that lie ahead. This is a personal prediction journal as it hasn't happened, yet.

The economic landscape is set to undergo a seismic shift. According to the memo, the stock market is poised to crash by 2026. The financial system that has been the backbone of our prosperity is teetering on the edge, and the consequences will be catastrophic. The housing market, a cornerstone of the American dream, is expected to plummet by 40% or more by 2026. The ripple effects of such a collapse will be felt across every sector of our society, from employment to healthcare, from education to national security.

But the economic turmoil is just the tip of the iceberg. The real threat lies in the shadows, hidden within our borders. The memo warns of sleeper cells, infiltrators who have crossed our borders over the past three years. These are not just economic migrants; they are operatives from China, Hamas, Iraq, and other hostile entities. They have been quietly integrating into our communities, biding their time, waiting for the signal to activate. The implications are chilling: our enemies are already among us, poised to strike when the time is right.

The largest war in American history is brewing, and it is not a distant conflict fought on foreign soil. It is a war that will be waged on our own streets, in our own neighborhoods, against an enemy that has been preparing for this moment for years. The generals estimate that this war will begin in approximately 18 to 24 months. The clock is ticking, and the time for action is now.

Adding to the economic turmoil is the dire state of our banking institutions. Our banks are heavily in debt, with a total amount that is staggering. The financial stability of these institutions is in jeopardy, and the repercussions will be devastating. When the stock market crashes and the housing market plummets, banks will be unable to sustain the financial strain. They will shut down, leaving millions of people without access to their savings and retirements. The life savings of hardworking Americans will vanish overnight, plunging countless families into financial ruin.

The collapse of the banking system will have far-reaching consequences. People will lose their homes, their businesses, and their livelihoods. The social fabric of our nation will be torn apart as desperation and despair take hold. The trust that has been built over generations will be shattered, and the faith in our financial institutions will be irrevocably damaged.

As a disabled Marine veteran, I have seen firsthand the horrors of war. I have witnessed the devastation that comes with conflict, the shattered lives and the broken dreams. I have seen the bodies of my brothers and sisters in arms, the sacrifices made in the name of freedom and justice. And I know that the war that is coming will be unlike anything we have ever faced before.

The memo from Gen. Minihan is a wake-up call, a stark reminder of the challenges that lie ahead. It is a call to arms, a rallying cry for all those who cherish the values and principles that make America great. We must be prepared, we must be vigilant, and we must be united in our resolve to defend our nation and our way of life.

But preparation does not end with awareness. Citizens must begin planning and working with their neighbors to quickly react and create fortified cities. We must come together as communities, understanding that each person has a role to play and a purpose to fulfill in defending our homeland from these terrorists.

Here is what we must do:

  1. Community Planning: Start by organizing community meetings to discuss the impending threats. Form neighborhood watch groups and establish communication networks. Ensure that every household is aware of the potential dangers and knows how to respond.

  2. Fortification: Work together to fortify your towns and cities. Identify key locations that need to be secured, such as schools, hospitals, and critical infrastructure. Develop plans to barricade streets, set up checkpoints, and establish safe zones.

  3. Training and Drills: Conduct regular training sessions and drills to prepare for various scenarios. Teach basic self-defense, first aid, and emergency response skills. Ensure that everyone knows their role and what to do in case of an attack.

  4. Resource Management: Stockpile essential supplies such as food, water, medical supplies, and communication equipment. Establish community gardens and local food sources to ensure sustainability.

  5. Communication: Set up a reliable communication system that can function independently of the grid. This could include ham radios, walkie-talkies, and other forms of emergency communication.

  6. Defense Strategy: Develop a comprehensive defense strategy that includes patrols, surveillance, and rapid response teams. Ensure that every able-bodied individual is trained and equipped to defend their community.

  7. Education and Awareness: Educate the community about the signs of sleeper cells and potential threats. Teach people how to recognize and report suspicious activities. Foster a culture of vigilance and preparedness.

The economic collapse that is coming will test our resilience and our determination. It will challenge our ability to adapt and to innovate, to find new ways to thrive in a world that is rapidly changing. But we must not be daunted by the task ahead. Internet will be shut down, power grids shut off, etc would be a huge blow to today's economy. We must rise to the challenge, we must stand tall, and we must fight for the future of our children and our children's children.

The threat of sleeper cells is a sobering reminder of the dangers that lurk in the shadows. It is a call to vigilance, to be ever watchful and ever ready to defend our homes and our communities. We must be aware of the signs, we must be alert to the threats, and we must be prepared to act swiftly and decisively when the time comes.

The war that is brewing is a test of our courage and our commitment. It is a test of our willingness to stand up and fight for what we believe in, to defend our nation and our way of life against those who would seek to destroy it. It is a test of our ability to come together, to stand united, and to face the challenges that lie ahead with unwavering resolve and unyielding determination.

But we must not be consumed by fear or despair. We must remember that we are a nation of warriors, a people forged in the fires of adversity and tempered by the trials of history. We have faced challenges before, and we have emerged stronger and more united than ever. We have stood against tyranny and oppression, and we have prevailed.

So let us stand together, my brothers and sisters in arms. Let us gird ourselves for the battles ahead, let us steel ourselves for the struggles to come, let us prepare ourselves for the fight of our lives. For we are the defenders of freedom, the champions of justice, the guardians of the light. And we will not be defeated.

We must be ready to face the economic turmoil, the threat of sleeper cells, and the war that is coming. We must be ready to stand tall, to stand strong, and to stand united. We must be ready to fight for our nation, for our values, and for our future.

With a heart full of determination and a spirit unbroken,

A Disabled Marine Veteran, A Warrior, A Defender of Freedom
