The Death of Income Tax in America


Dear Journal,

As I sit here, the weight of my service and the love for my country heavy on my heart, I find myself compelled to write about a topic that is both crucial and often misunderstood: taxes. As a disabled Marine veteran, I've seen firsthand the power of our nation and the resilience of its people. But I've also seen the burdens that weigh us down, and one of the heaviest is the income tax.

Let me start by saying that I believe America should abolish income taxes. This might sound radical, but hear me out. The income tax is not just a financial burden; it's a shackle that holds back our economy and our people. It's a system that punishes success, stifles innovation, and robs hardworking Americans of the fruits of their labor.

Think about it: every dollar that the government takes from your paycheck is a dollar that you can't spend on your family, your business, or your community. It's a dollar that can't be invested in new ideas, new products, or new jobs. It's a dollar that can't circulate through the economy, creating growth and prosperity.

Instead, that dollar goes into the coffers of the government, where it's often wasted on bureaucracy, special interests, and pet projects. It's used to fund endless wars, to prop up foreign governments, and to line the pockets of the well-connected. It's a system that rewards the powerful and punishes the productive.

But it doesn't have to be this way. Imagine if, instead of taking that dollar from you, the government left it in your hands. Imagine if, instead of relying on stimulus payments and government handouts, we trusted the American people to spend their own money, to invest in their own futures, to build their own dreams.

The boost to the economy would be enormous. Instead of a top-down approach, where the government tries to stimulate growth through spending and debt, we'd have a bottom-up approach, where growth comes from the ground up, from the hard work and ingenuity of the American people.

But abolishing the income tax is just the first step. We also need to address the root of the problem: the Federal Reserve. This private bank, masquerading as a government agency, has been manipulating our currency and our economy for over a century. It's a system that benefits the few at the expense of the many, that creates booms and busts, that fuels inflation and devalues our savings.

It's time to return to sound money, to a currency backed by gold and silver, to a system that is stable, predictable, and fair. It's time to take the power out of the hands of the bankers and put it back into the hands of the people.

And let's not forget about the unapportioned money that the government takes from the majority of Americans. The income tax is a regressive tax, meaning that it hits the poor and the middle class the hardest. It's a system that takes from those who can least afford it and gives to those who need it the least.

The government uses this money to fund slush funds, to pay off special interests, to buy votes and influence. It uses this money to fund foreign aid, to prop up dictators, to intervene in conflicts that have nothing to do with our national security. It uses this money to grow the size and scope of the federal bureaucracy, to expand its power and control.

But imagine if that money stayed in the hands of the people. Imagine if, instead of funding the government's pet projects, it was used to fund our own. Imagine if, instead of paying for someone else's priorities, we were free to pursue our own.

The potential is enormous. With the extra money that we've earned, we could start businesses, invest in education, save for retirement, and build wealth for our families and our communities. We could create jobs, spur innovation, and drive economic growth. We could lift ourselves out of poverty, out of debt, out of dependence on the government.

But none of this will happen as long as the income tax remains in place. As long as the government continues to take our hard-earned money, to waste it on bureaucracy and special interests, to use it to fund its own agenda rather than ours.

And so, with a heart full of patriotism and a mind set on freedom, I make this call: let us abolish the income tax. Let us return to sound money, to a currency backed by gold and silver. Let us take the power out of the hands of the bankers and the bureaucrats and put it back into the hands of the people.

Let us unleash the potential of the American people, the power of our ingenuity, our innovation, our hard work. Let us create a system that rewards success, that encourages growth, that lifts us all up together.

For this is the promise of America, the dream that has drawn people from all over the world to our shores. It is the dream of freedom, of opportunity, of the pursuit of happiness. And it is a dream that is within our reach, if only we have the courage to grasp it.

Yours, in liberty and in hope,

A Disabled Marine Veteran, A Patriot, A Believer in the American Dream
