Unfiltered Thoughts of a Disabled Marine Veteran


Dear Journal,

Alright, listen the fuck up, 'cause I'm only gonna say this once. What the actual fuck is happening to this world? These kids and illegals these days are dumber than a fucking rock. They don't know dick about respect, about honor, about the blood that's been shed for the stars and stripes. It makes me fucking sick, makes me want to go full-on drill instructor on their sorry asses.

You know what really fucking pisses me off? When some shitstain decides it's a brilliant fucking idea to stomp on our flag, to set her ablaze, to tear her down and hoist up some other fucking country’s rag. That's not just disrespect; that's a fucking declaration of war. It's spitting on the memory of every brother and sister who died for this country. It's shitting on the sacrifice, the pain, the fucking agony that we've endured. This ain’t motherfuckin Iraq or Afghanistan!

And what happens to these fucking cowards? Abso-fuckin-lutly Nothing! They hide behind their little protest signs and big fucking words, backed by the fucking traitors in Congress who support this bullshit. They call it freedom of speech, call it expression. I call it fucking sedition. It's a big fat "fuck you" to every veteran, to every American who knows what that flag fucking means.

You wanna know what I think should happen to these fucking terrorists? I think they should get a taste of their own fucking medicine. They wanna burn our flag? They should be stripped of their fucking citizenship and deported to whatever fucking country's flag they love so much. Let's see how much they fucking love it when they're living under its laws, when they're subject to its fucking punishments.

The local patriots oughta be shoving a fucking golf ball down their throats and beat them till it comes out their asses. They wanna tear down Old Glory? We oughta string 'em up by their fucking balls or Tits and leave 'em to rot.

And those fucking congressmen and women who back this shit? They should be tried for fucking treason too.They should be fucking court-martialed right alongside these fucking traitors. They took an oath to defend this country, not to fucking coddle these goddamn insurgents. They're a fucking disgrace, and they should be treated like the fucking turncoats they are.

I'm fucking seething just thinking about it. I served my fucking country. I bled for my fucking country. I lost brothers and sisters for my fucking country. And I'll be goddamned if I'm gonna sit back and watch as some fucking punks shit all over everything we fought for. It's not fucking happening in my town, not on my fucking watch. Where are those that are Americans in those towns? Makes me sick!

So here's my message to these fucking cowards: You wanna fuck with our flag? You better be ready to face the fucking consequences. You better be ready to face the wrath of every fucking Marine, every fucking veteran, every fucking American who loves this country. 'Cause we're not gonna take it lying down. You itching for a god damn fight, That you WILL lose! we're gonna fucking rage, and we're gonna fucking annihilate you.

Keep this shit up and we’re gonna come at you like a fucking freight train, with all the fucking fury of a thousand suns. We're gonna make you fucking regret the day you ever thought about disrespecting our flag. We're gonna make you fucking wish you were never fucking born.

So fuck you, you fucking traitors both sympathizers and congressionals. Fuck you and everything you stand for other then the United States! This is our fucking country, and we're not gonna let you fucking burn it to the ground.

Semper fucking Fi,

An angry Marine Veteran
