Enough is Enough

Dear Journal,

I felt compelled to write to you today because of the anger and frustrations seen today on the atrocities being done daily and seeing people that are disgruntled and exausted. 

In the silent sanctuaries of their hearts, a thought festers, long suppressed, now surging like a tempest tide. "Enough," it resonates, a mournful knell echoing through the hallowed chambers of their souls, a lament for a nation betrayed.

"Enough of tyranny's relentless grip, choking our spirits, our dreams, our very breath. Enough of watching our laws, once sacred, now profaned, bent to the will of the wicked, becoming chains rather than ramparts. Enough of seeing our voices silenced, our hopes dashed, our dignity stripped away."

"Enough of our country's riches hemorrhaging like an open wound, flowing to distant shores while our own lands wither and die. Enough of our freedoms, our liberties, once the birthright of every American, now rationed out like meager crumbs to those who scorn our laws, who desecrate our flag, who mock our heritage. Enough of our children's future being pawned off to the highest bidder, sold to the greedy, the corrupt, the power-mad men north of Richmond who see our nation as their personal playground, our people as their pawns."

"Enough of endless wars, of our sons and daughters sent to fight and die on foreign soil while our own homeland decays. Enough of our taxpayers' hard-earned wages pillaged to fund the ambitions of deceitful politicians, to line the coffers of treacherous souls who see our nation as their personal piggy bank."

"Enough of the subversion of our children's minds, of their innocence twisted and warped in ways unnatural and cruel. Enough of them being told they were born wrong, that their bodies are a mistake, that their very being is a flaw to be corrected. Enough of gender ideologies forced down their throats before they've even reached the age of reason, of them being subjected daily to the mental disorder of gender dysphoria, paraded as glorious when it is nothing but a dark and dangerous deceit."

"When is enough enough?" the thought howls, a wounded beast awakening, its eyes ablaze with a righteous fury. "When do we stand, as one, and cry out 'No more'? When do we demand that our leaders remember their sacred oath, that our nation remembers her divine purpose? When do we say enough to the men north of Richmond who trade our children's futures for power, who barter our nation's soul for personal gain?"

"Enough is enough when we, the people, rise like a sleeping giant, stirred from our slumber, united in our resolve. When we declare, with one voice, that our country is not a commodity to be bought and sold, that our freedoms are not privileges to be bargained away. That our children are not experiments to be toyed with, their minds not playgrounds for the twisted whims of the powerful."

"Enough is enough when we reclaim our power, our voice, our nation. When we stand tall, unyielding, like the mighty oaks that have weathered countless storms. When we demand the change that is long overdue, the justice that has been too long denied. When we remember that this is our country, our home, our legacy. A beacon of hope, a sanctuary of liberty, a testament to the indomitable spirit of America."

"Enough is enough when we fight back, not with violence, but with the unshakeable resolve of patriots. When we wield our votes like swords, our voices like shields, our unity like an impenetrable fortress. When we say, with every fiber of our being, that we will not let our nation be stolen from us any longer. That we will not let the dream of America be extinguished on our watch. That we will not let our children be twisted into shapes they were never meant to be."

In the silent sanctuaries of their hearts, the thought burns, a flame of defiance, a promise of rebellion. "Enough," it thunders, a battle cry echoing through the hearts of a people who will be silenced no more. A people who will stand, who will fight, who will reclaim the soul of their nation, who will make America truly great once more. For it is not just a nation they fight for, but a dream, a hope, a promise. A promise of life, of liberty, of the pursuit of happiness. A promise worth fighting for, worth dying for, worth living for. A promise that, together, they will see fulfilled, for their children, for their nation, for themselves.

Yours, concerned fighter,

a Marine still standing.
