Olympics has Fallen

Dear Journal,

Today, I find myself compelled to write, my heart heavy with a mix of sorrow, anger, and disbelief. I have just witnessed an appalling display that has left me shaken to my core. The Paris Olympics, a stage meant to celebrate human achievement and unity, has instead become a platform for a grotesque spectacle that mocks the very essence of who we are.

The display of gender dysphoria was not just disturbing; it was a blatant desecration of everything that the Olympics, and indeed our society, should stand for. Men parading as women, women masquerading as men, all under the guise of "inclusivity" and "progress." But this is not progress; it is regression, a descent into madness and chaos.

The Paris Accords, hailed as a beacon of enlightenment, have instead revealed themselves to be a farce, a mockery of the values and principles that have guided our civilization for centuries. They have defamed every country that has signed onto them, every athlete that has been forced to participate in this charade, every citizen that has been compelled to accept this twisted ideology.

As a person of faith, a believer in the Judeo-Christian values that have shaped our world, I am horrified. This is not just an affront to our beliefs, but a desecration of the natural order, a mockery of the divine design. God created us male and female, each with our unique strengths and beauties, each with our distinct roles and purposes. To deny this, to twist it, to pervert it, is to spit in the face of our Creator.

But this is not just about religion; it is about truth, about reality, about common sense. It is about the sanctity of sport, the integrity of competition, the dignity of the human person. It is about the rights of women, the safety of children, the future of our society.

And yet, we are told that we must accept this, that we must embrace it, that we must celebrate it. We are told that to question it, to challenge it, to reject it, is to be bigoted, hateful, intolerant. But I refuse to be silenced, to be cowed, to be bullied into submission. I refuse to accept this lie, to embrace this deceit, to celebrate this perversion.

I am reminded of the words of the prophet Isaiah: "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." This is what we are witnessing today, a world turned upside down, a society that has lost its way, a culture that has forgotten its roots.

But I will not forget. I will not be silent. I will stand for the truth, for the light, for the way. I will stand for the dignity of the human person, for the sanctity of sport, for the integrity of competition. I will stand for the rights of women, the safety of children, the future of our society.

And I will pray. I will pray for our world, for our leaders, for our athletes, for our children. I will pray for the strength to stand, the courage to fight, the wisdom to know the truth, and the grace to speak it in love.

For we are not called to hate, but to love. We are not called to condemn, but to redeem. We are not called to tear down, but to build up. But we cannot build on a foundation of lies, of deceit, of perversion. We must stand for the truth, for the light, for the way.

And so, with a heart both heavy and resolved, I make this pledge: I will not be silent. I will not be complicit. I will not be defeated. I will stand, I will fight, I will pray. For our world, for our future, for our children. For the truth, for the light, for the way.

Yours, in sorrow and in hope,

A Believer Unashamed
