The Erosion of Freedom: A Disabled Marine Vet's Reflection on Government Overreach


Dear Journal,

I've been reflecting a lot lately on how much our freedoms have eroded over the years. It's staggering to think about how different life was just 125 years ago compared to today. Back then, you didn't need to ask permission from the government to do almost anything. Now, in 2022, it feels like we can't do virtually anything without being extorted by the government and obtaining their permission first.

Let's break it down:

125 Years Ago

Collect Rainwater: You could collect rainwater without any government interference. It was a simple, natural act that didn't require permits or regulations.

Go Fishing: You could grab your fishing rod and head to the nearest stream or lake without needing a license or worrying about quotas.

Own Property: You could buy a piece of land and call it your own without the government dictating how you could use it.

Start a Business: You could open a shop or start a trade without navigating a maze of regulations and permits.

Build a Home: You could build your own home without needing to comply with a myriad of building codes and zoning laws.

Get Married: You could get married without needing a government-issued license. It was a personal and religious matter, not a bureaucratic one.

Hunt: You could go hunting without needing a permit or worrying about seasonal restrictions.

Own a Weapon: You could own a weapon without needing a background check or a permit. The Second Amendment was taken seriously.

Cut Hair: You could cut hair without needing a cosmetology license. It was a simple service, not a regulated profession.

Sell a Product: You could sell a product without needing to comply with a host of regulations and taxes.

Protest: You could protest without needing a permit or worrying about being arrested for "unlawful assembly."

Sell Food: You could sell food without needing a food handler's license or complying with a mountain of health regulations.


Now, fast forward to 2022. Almost every aspect of our lives is regulated, taxed, and controlled by the government. You can't do virtually anything without obtaining their permission first.

Collect Rainwater: In many places, you need a permit to collect rainwater. Some states even consider rainwater the property of the government.

Go Fishing: You need a fishing license, and you have to comply with a host of regulations about what you can catch, when you can catch it, and how you can catch it.

Own Property: You can own property, but the government dictates how you can use it. Zoning laws, environmental regulations, and property taxes all limit your freedom.

Start a Business: Starting a business is a bureaucratic nightmare. You need permits, licenses, and you have to comply with a mountain of regulations.

Build a Home: Building a home requires navigating a maze of building codes, zoning laws, and permits. It's a complex and expensive process.

Get Married: You need a government-issued marriage license. The state has inserted itself into what should be a personal and religious matter.

Hunt: You need a hunting license, and you have to comply with a host of regulations about what you can hunt, when you can hunt it, and how you can hunt it.

Own a Weapon: Owning a weapon requires background checks, permits, and compliance with a host of regulations. The Second Amendment is under constant attack.

Cut Hair: You need a cosmetology license to cut hair. It's a regulated profession, not a simple service.

Sell a Product: Selling a product requires complying with a host of regulations and taxes. It's a complex and expensive process.

Protest: Protesting often requires a permit, and you have to comply with a host of regulations about where you can protest, when you can protest, and how you can protest.

Sell Food: Selling food requires a food handler's license and compliance with a mountain of health regulations. It's a complex and expensive process.

The Erosion of Freedom

It's staggering to think about how much our freedoms have eroded over the years. What was once a simple, natural act now requires government permission and compliance with a host of regulations. We've gone from a nation of free people to a nation of regulated subjects.

And yet, many people still think they're free. They don't see the erosion of our liberties. They don't see the government overreach. They don't see the extortion that's taking place.

But I see it. As a disabled Marine vet, I've seen firsthand the cost of defending freedom. I've seen the sacrifices that our men and women in uniform make every day to protect our way of life. And I can't help but feel that their sacrifices are being squandered, that the freedoms they fight to defend are being eroded by the very government they serve.

The Fight for Freedom

It's time to wake up, America. It's time to remember who we are and what this country was founded on. We are not subjects, to be regulated and controlled by the government. We are citizens, with rights and freedoms that are guaranteed by our Constitution.

It's time to stand up for our liberties. It's time to demand that our government respect our rights and our freedoms. It's time to push back against the overreach and the extortion.

Because the future of our country depends on it. Because the sacrifices of our men and women in uniform deserve it. Because we owe it to ourselves, and to each other, to stand up for our rights and freedoms, and to defend our country against the forces that seek to erode them.

Semper Fi,

A Disgruntled Disabled Marine Vet
