The Illusion of Social Classes and the Fight for Sovereignty


Dear Journal,

I've been stewing over something that's been bothering me for a while now—the issue of social classes and the superiority complex that seems to be getting worse in our society. As a Marine vet, I've seen firsthand how respect is earned, not given based on someone's occupation or bank account. It's time we address this elephant in the room and remember who we truly are as Americans.

In the heart of America, a silent battle rages—a battle against the illusion of social classes and the erosion of our sovereignty. As a Marine veteran, I've witnessed firsthand the insidious nature of this hierarchy, where certain occupations and titles are placed on pedestals, creating a false sense of superiority. This chapter delves into the depths of this issue, exploring how we've lost sight of our inherent equality and sovereignty, and how we can reclaim our true identity as Americans.

The Illusion of Superiority

Let me share a story that encapsulates the problem. Not long ago, I witnessed an attorney barking orders at someone, demanding they open a door for her. There was no "please," no "thank you"—just an expectation of obedience. I couldn't stay silent. I yelled, "A please would be nice." The response from a bystander was telling: "Shh, she's an attorney."

This incident highlights the core of the issue. We've created a society where certain jobs or titles confer an automatic sense of superiority. Whether it's a judge, a representative, or a billionaire, these individuals are often treated as if they are above the rest of us. But the truth is, they bleed just like everyone else. They are not royalty, and we are not their peasants.

The Sovereignty of Our Ancestors

Our ancestors who traveled to America understood the concept of sovereignty. When they hit the land, they were sovereign—self-governing, independent, and free. They knew the value of freedom and the importance of equality. Being sovereign means being self-governing, independent, and free. It's the same concept that makes kings and queens who they are, but in America, we're all meant to be sovereigns.

However, somewhere along the way, we've lost sight of this truth. We've started putting people on pedestals, treating them like they're above everyone else. We've created this illusion of social classes, where some people are seen as more valuable or important than others based on their job, wealth, or status.

The Superiority Complex of Our Leaders

Our government leaders have bought into this superiority complex. They truly believe they are the rulers of all Americans. They think they're above the law, above the people, and above the principles this country was founded on. But it's time to put an end to this. It's time to remind ourselves and our leaders that we are all sovereigns. We are all equal. No one is above the law, and no one is above the people.

The Need for Accountability

We need to stop putting people on pedestals. We need to stop treating certain occupations or titles like they deserve automatic respect and obedience. Respect is earned through actions, through character, and through the content of one's heart, not through a job title or a bank account.

For those leaders who have abused their power, who have committed treason and tyrannous acts, it's time for them to face the consequences. It's time for the people to hold them accountable, to put them on trial, and to ensure they see firsthand the result of becoming a tyrant or a ruler of Americans.

This isn't about violence or vigilantism. This is about justice and accountability. This is about reminding our leaders that they serve at the pleasure of the people, and when they betray that trust, there must be consequences.

Reclaiming Our Sovereignty

We are all sovereigns. We are all equal. And it's time we start acting like it. It's time we start demanding that our leaders remember their place and remember who they serve.

As a Marine vet, I swore an oath to defend the Constitution and the principles it stands for. I swore to defend the sovereignty of the people and the equality of all Americans. And I will not stand by and watch as that sovereignty is eroded, as that equality is undermined, and as our leaders become tyrants.

A Call to Action

So let's stand up, America. Let's remember who we are. Let's remember that we are all sovereigns, all equal, and all deserving of respect. Let's demand that our leaders remember their place and remember who they serve. And let's ensure that those who betray our trust face the consequences of their actions.

It's time to put an end to the illusion of social classes. It's time to put an end to the superiority complex. It's time to stand up for our sovereignty, our equality, and our freedom.

The battle for sovereignty is not just a political one; it's a personal one. It's about reclaiming our identity as free, independent, and self-governing individuals. It's about remembering that we are all equal, and that no one is above the law or above the people.

Let's have this conversation. Let's stand up for our sovereignty. Let's stand up for our equality. And let's stand up for our freedom. Because that's who we are as Americans, and that's what our country was founded on.

Semper Fi,

A Disgruntled Marine Vet

P.S. I know this is a lot to take in, but it's something we need to talk about. It's something we need to address. Because if we don't, we risk losing the very essence of what it means to be American. So let's have this conversation. Let's stand up for our sovereignty. Let's stand up for our equality. And let's stand up for our freedom. Because that's who we are as Americans, and that's what our country was founded on.
