Unjustifiable and Excessive Force Must End

 Dear Journal,

I'm freaking livid today. I just saw a video of a cop using excessive force against a surfer over a $6 beach pass. Yes, you heard that right. A goddamn $6 piece of paper. As a retired police officer and a Marine vet, I can tell you this is not what law enforcement is supposed to look like. It's bullshit, and it needs to be called out.

First off, let me say this: charging for public beach use is ridiculous. The beach is a gift of nature, a public good, and it should be free for all to enjoy. But even setting that aside, the way this cop handled the situation was out of line and infuriating.

Here's what happened: The surfer had a pass, but the cop approached him assuming he didn't and accused him of it. Instead of de-escalating the situation, the cop escalated it. He caused public embarrassment to the man, treating him like a criminal over a fucking beach pass. It was false imprisonment, plain and simple. Just like a shoplifter who put the product on a shelf and gets apprehended leaving the store with nothing. The man had purchased a pass, he had every right to be there, and he had no reason to comply with the cop's unlawful orders, period.

As someone who's worn the badge, I can tell you this is not how we're trained to handle situations. This is not how we're supposed to treat citizens. This is what gives cops a bad name, and it's what erodes the trust between law enforcement and the community.

This is what, we the people, are tired of. While drugs are rampant and serious criminals roam the streets, these pussified badge holders are out at the beach harassing law-abiding citizens. They're not going after hardened criminals because they're weak, feeble individuals. They're bullies, plain and simple, preying on the easy targets to make themselves feel powerful.

Here's the kicker: the surfer was allowed to cross the beach and go straight to the ocean without a need for a badge! He didn't even need a beach badge but appears to have got one anyway. The cop admitted this on his own bodycam footage. So why the fuck was this man harassed, humiliated, and arrested as he was leaving?

The cop put the man in a rear choke and slammed him to the ground by his neck. It was excessive force, it was dangerous, and it could have caused serious bodily injury. I've seen firsthand the damage that kind of force can do. It's not something to be used lightly, and it's sure as hell not something to be used over a goddamn beach pass.

So, let's talk about the laws this officer broke and should be held liable for:

  1. False Imprisonment: The officer detained the man without lawful cause. The man had a pass, he was allowed to be there, and the officer had no right to detain him.

  2. Assault and Battery: The officer used excessive force, causing physical harm to the man. The rear choke and the neck slam were completely unnecessary and potentially deadly. As a former cop, I can tell you this is not how we're trained to handle situations.

  3. Violation of Civil Rights: The officer violated the man's constitutional rights, including his Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable searches and seizures and his Fourteenth Amendment right to equal protection under the law.

  4. Misconduct: The officer's actions were a clear abuse of power. He escalated the situation, caused public embarrassment, and used excessive force over a minor infraction that wasn't even an infraction. This is not what law enforcement is supposed to look like.

As a retired police officer and a Marine vet, I can tell you this is not okay. This is not what we the people stand for. We are tired of this bullshit. We are tired of being harassed, humiliated, and arrested for no good reason. We are tired of watching our rights being trampled by power-hungry, weak-willed bullies with badges.

I served my country and my community to protect the rights of all Americans. I did not serve to watch those rights being stripped away by the very people sworn to protect them. I will not stand for it. I will not be silent. And neither should you.

We need to hold these pathetic officers accountable. We need to demand better from our law enforcement. We need to stand up and say enough is enough. We need to make our voices heard, to speak out against injustice, and to demand change.

This is not about being anti-police. This is about being anti-bullshit. This is about standing up for what's right, for what's just, and for what's fair. It's about making our country a better, safer, and more just place for all.

Semper Fi,

A Disgruntled Marine Vet and Retired Police Officer

P.S. I urge everyone to share this story, to speak out against this injustice, and to demand accountability. We are the people, and we have the power. Let's use it to make a change. Let's use it to make our country a better, fairer, and more just place for all. Let's use it to make sure that this kind of bullshit never happens again.
