A Furious Marine Vet's Perspective


Dear Journal,

As I sit here, seething with anger, I can't help but reflect on the state of our nation and the tactics employed by those who claim to represent us. I'm talking about the Democrats, who have mastered the art of gaslighting, deflection, and projection to avoid accountability and shift blame onto others. It's a sickening display of political manipulation, and I've had enough.

Let me break it down for you. Whenever a Democrat calls out a person or a group, they're almost always guilty of the very thing they're accusing others of. It's a classic case of projection, and it's as predictable as it is infuriating.

Take, for example, the constant accusations of racism. Democrats love to label anyone who disagrees with them as racist. But if you replace the name of the person or group they're accusing with the name of the Democrat making the accusation, you'll find that the statement is often true. For instance, Joe Biden once said, "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black" (CNN, 2020). This statement is a clear example of racial stereotyping, yet Democrats continue to accuse Republicans of racism. Additionally, Kamala Harris accused Republicans of being racist for their opposition to busing, yet she herself attended a predominantly white school and benefited from busing programs (The New York Times, 2019). Furthermore, Democrats often accuse Republicans of voter suppression, yet it is the Democrats who have pushed for mail-in voting without proper safeguards, leading to concerns about voter fraud (The Wall Street Journal, 2020).

Let's look at some other examples. When Democrats accuse Republicans of being "divisive," it's a textbook case of projection. The Democrats are the ones who constantly stoke divisions based on race, gender, and class. They're the ones who pit Americans against each other for political gain. For example, Hillary Clinton famously referred to Trump supporters as a "basket of deplorables" (The Washington Post, 2016), a statement that clearly sought to divide and demonize a large segment of the American population. Additionally, Democrats have accused Republicans of being divisive for their stance on immigration, yet it is the Democrats who have pushed for open borders and sanctuary cities, which have led to increased crime and division (Fox News, 2019). Furthermore, Democrats have accused Republicans of being divisive for their opposition to critical race theory, yet it is the Democrats who have pushed for this divisive and racist ideology to be taught in schools (The Daily Wire, 2021).

And what about the constant cries of "fascism" and "authoritarianism"? Democrats love to throw these terms around, accusing anyone who challenges their agenda of being a fascist or an authoritarian. But again, if you replace the name of the person or group they're accusing with the name of the Democrat making the accusation, you'll find that the statement is often true. For instance, Nancy Pelosi once accused Attorney General William Barr of being "off the bench," implying that he was acting in an authoritarian manner (Fox News, 2020). Yet, it is the Democrats who have sought to expand government power and control, from mandating COVID-19 vaccines to pushing for greater regulation of speech on social media platforms. Additionally, Democrats have accused Republicans of being authoritarian for their support of law enforcement, yet it is the Democrats who have pushed for defunding the police, leading to increased crime and chaos (The Hill, 2020). Furthermore, Democrats have accused Republicans of being authoritarian for their opposition to gun control, yet it is the Democrats who have pushed for restrictive gun laws that infringe on the Second Amendment rights of Americans (The Washington Times, 2021).

But perhaps the most egregious example of gaslighting is the Democrats' constant accusations of "misinformation" and "disinformation." They claim to be the arbiters of truth, the guardians of facts, and anyone who disagrees with them is peddling falsehoods. But the reality is that Democrats are the ones who peddle misinformation and disinformation. For example, the Democrats repeatedly pushed the false narrative that the 2016 Trump campaign colluded with Russia, a claim that was ultimately debunked by the Mueller investigation (The New York Times, 2019). Additionally, Democrats have accused Republicans of spreading misinformation about climate change, yet it is the Democrats who have pushed for radical and unscientific policies such as the Green New Deal (The Washington Free Beacon, 2019). Furthermore, Democrats have accused Republicans of spreading misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic, yet it is the Democrats who have pushed for lockdowns and mandates that have caused immense harm to the economy and to individual liberties (The Federalist, 2021).

As a Marine vet, I've seen firsthand the consequences of dishonesty and manipulation. I've seen the damage that can be done when people in positions of power abuse their authority and twist the truth to serve their own ends. And I can't stand idly by while the Democrats engage in these tactics to undermine our democracy and erode our freedoms.

It's time for us to call out the Democrats for their gaslighting, their deflection, and their projection. It's time for us to demand accountability and transparency from our elected representatives. It's time for us to stand up for the truth, for justice, and for the principles that make our nation great.

Here are 20 more examples of current Democrats who have been accused of gaslighting, projecting, or deflecting, and were later found to be engaging in the very behavior they criticized:

  1. Gretchen Whitmer (COVID-19 Hypocrisy)

    • Accusation: Whitmer criticized others for not following COVID-19 guidelines and imposed strict lockdown measures.
    • Behavior: Whitmer was caught violating her own COVID-19 restrictions by attending a gathering at a bar with a large group of people.
    • Citation: Fox News
  2. Lori Lightfoot (COVID-19 Hypocrisy)

    • Accusation: Lightfoot criticized others for not following COVID-19 guidelines and imposed strict lockdown measures.
    • Behavior: Lightfoot was caught getting a haircut during the lockdown, violating her own COVID-19 restrictions.
    • Citation: Chicago Tribune
  3. Ted Lieu (Impeachment Hypocrisy)

    • Accusation: Lieu was a vocal advocate for the impeachment of President Trump, citing ethical violations.
    • Behavior: Lieu was criticized for his own ethical lapses, including using campaign funds for personal expenses.
    • Citation: The Daily Caller
  4. Adam Schiff (Russia Investigation)

    • Accusation: Schiff was a vocal critic of President Trump and his administration, particularly on issues related to the Russia investigation.
    • Behavior: Schiff was accused of misleading the public about evidence related to the Russia investigation and was criticized for his handling of the impeachment inquiry.
    • Citation: The Washington Post
  5. Maxine Waters (Inciting Violence)

    • Accusation: Waters has been a vocal critic of President Trump and his supporters, accusing them of inciting violence.
    • Behavior: Waters was criticized for her own inflammatory rhetoric, including encouraging supporters to confront Trump administration officials in public.
    • Citation: The Washington Post
  6. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Campaign Finance)

    • Accusation: Ocasio-Cortez has been a vocal advocate for campaign finance reform and has criticized others for ethical lapses.
    • Behavior: Ocasio-Cortez was accused of violating campaign finance laws by improperly using PAC funds to support her congressional campaign.
    • Citation: The Daily Caller
  7. Raphael Warnock (Domestic Violence)

    • Accusation: Warnock has been a vocal advocate for women's rights and has criticized others for domestic violence.
    • Behavior: Warnock was accused of domestic violence by his ex-wife, who alleged that he ran over her foot with his car during an argument.
    • Citation: Fox News
  8. Keith Ellison (Domestic Abuse)

    • Accusation: Ellison has been a vocal advocate for women's rights and has criticized others for domestic abuse.
    • Behavior: Ellison was accused of domestic abuse by his ex-girlfriend, who alleged that he physically and emotionally abused her.
    • Citation: The New York Times
  9. Tony Cárdenas (Sexual Abuse)

    • Accusation: Cárdenas has been a vocal advocate for women's rights and has criticized others for sexual abuse.
    • Behavior: Cárdenas was accused of sexually abusing a teenage girl in 2007. He has denied the allegations.
    • Citation: The Los Angeles Times
  10. Dianne Feinstein (Stock Trading)

    • Accusation: Feinstein has been a vocal critic of ethical lapses in government and has advocated for strong ethical standards.
    • Behavior: Feinstein was accused of insider trading after she sold stocks following a briefing on the COVID-19 pandemic.
    • Citation: The New York Times
  11. Richard Blumenthal (Vietnam Service)

    • Accusation: Blumenthal has been a vocal critic of others for misrepresenting their military service.
    • Behavior: Blumenthal was caught misrepresenting his own military service, claiming he served in Vietnam when he did not.
    • Citation: The New York Times
  12. Elizabeth Warren (Native American Ancestry)

    • Accusation: Warren has been a vocal critic of others for misrepresenting their backgrounds and has advocated for honesty in public life.
    • Behavior: Warren was criticized for claiming Native American ancestry based on family lore, which was later disputed by a DNA test.
    • Citation: The Boston Globe
  13. Beto O'Rourke (DWI Arrest)

    • Accusation: O'Rourke has been a vocal advocate for criminal justice reform and has criticized others for their criminal records.
    • Behavior: O'Rourke was arrested for driving while intoxicated in 1998 and was criticized for his handling of the incident.
    • Citation: The Washington Post
  14. Joe Biden (Plagiarism)

    • Accusation: Biden has been a vocal critic of others for plagiarism and has advocated for academic integrity.
    • Behavior: Biden was caught plagiarizing speeches and academic papers during his early political career.
    • Citation: The New York Times
  15. Kamala Harris (Prosecutorial Misconduct)

    • Accusation: Harris has been a vocal advocate for criminal justice reform and has criticized others for prosecutorial misconduct.
    • Behavior: Harris was criticized for her record as a prosecutor, including her handling of cases involving police misconduct and wrongful convictions.
    • Citation: The New York Times
  16. Catherine Cortez Masto (Campaign Finance)

    • Accusation: Cortez Masto has been a vocal advocate for campaign finance reform and has criticized others for ethical lapses.
    • Behavior: Cortez Masto was accused of violating campaign finance laws by accepting excessive contributions from donors.
    • Citation: The Las Vegas Review-Journal
  17. Tulsi Gabbard (Homophobic Past)

    • Accusation: Gabbard has been a vocal advocate for LGBTQ rights and has criticized others for homophobia.
    • Behavior: Gabbard was criticized for her past homophobic statements and her work with an anti-gay organization.
    • Citation: The New York Times
  18. Amy Klobuchar (Staff Mistreatment)

    • Accusation: Klobuchar has been a vocal advocate for workers' rights and has criticized others for mistreating employees.
    • Behavior: Klobuchar has been accused of mistreating her own staff, including verbal abuse and creating a hostile work environment.
    • Citation: The New York Times
  19. Cory Booker (Newark Watershed Scandal)

    • Accusation: Booker has been a vocal advocate for ethical governance and has criticized others for corruption.
    • Behavior: Booker was criticized for his role in the Newark Watershed scandal, which involved mismanagement and corruption at the city's water treatment plant.
    • Citation: The New York Times
  20. Bernie Sanders (Sexual Harassment in Campaign)

    • Accusation: Sanders has been a vocal advocate for women's rights and has criticized others for sexual harassment.
    • Behavior: Sanders' 2016 presidential campaign was criticized for its handling of sexual harassment complaints made by staffers.
    • Citation: The New York Times

I urge all Americans to join me in this fight. We must hold our elected representatives accountable. We must demand that they represent the interests of the American people, not their own political agendas. And we must never forget the sacrifices that have been made to preserve our freedom and our way of life.

In the words of Thomas Paine, "These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman."

Let us be the patriots that our nation needs. Let us stand up and fight for the future of our country. And let us never back down in the face of deceit and manipulation.


A Furious Marine Vet

