A Veteran's Perspective on the State of Our Nation


Dear Journal,

As I sit here, reflecting on the state of our nation, I can't help but feel a deep sense of concern and frustration. Once again, it seems that former President Trump's warnings are coming to fruition. The world is indeed dumping their criminals, mentally unstable, and poor into our country, and our elected representatives seem more interested in representing illegal aliens than the American people.

Our national debt has ballooned to an unfathomable $35 trillion, with no end in sight. And yet, our corrupt elected representatives have approved an additional half a trillion dollars to be allocated for the support of illegal aliens. I ask, who are our elected representatives representing? The American people or the illegal aliens? By their actions, it would seem that the illegal aliens have more rights than an American citizen.

As a disabled American veteran, I have seen firsthand the struggles that many of my fellow veterans face. We have fought for this country, sacrificed our bodies and minds, and yet, we are often left to fend for ourselves. Our veterans are homeless, struggling with mental health issues, and facing countless other challenges. And yet, our government seems more interested in providing for illegal aliens than for those who have served and sacrificed for this nation.

The interest on our national debt alone costs us almost a trillion dollars a year. When are we going to start paying the principal on this debt? How are we going to dig ourselves out of this hole? These are questions that keep me up at night, and I know I'm not alone in my concerns.

I fear that if we continue down this path, our country will be unrecognizable in just a few short years. We cannot afford four more years of this under a Harris/Walz regime. The only person who has shown a commitment to securing our borders and making Americans safe is former President Trump.

But this isn't just about politics. This is about the future of our country. This is about the kind of nation we want to leave for our children and grandchildren. Do we want a nation that is bankrupt, both financially and morally? Or do we want a nation that is strong, secure, and committed to the principles of freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

As a veteran, I took an oath to defend this country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And I believe that it is my duty to speak out against the corruption and misguided priorities of our elected representatives. I urge all Americans to do the same. We must hold our elected representatives accountable. We must demand that they represent the interests of the American people, not the interests of illegal aliens or foreign nations.

If our government continues down this path, I fear that Americans will be backed into a corner. When people feel that they have no other options, that their voices are not being heard, and that their government is not representing their interests, they may turn to drastic measures. History has shown us that when people are pushed too far, they will push back. I pray that we never reach that point, but I fear that if our government does not change course, it may become inevitable.

What's more, the former president has faced multiple assassination attempts, and it's hard not to notice the coincidences. Each time, the mainstream media (MSM) seemed to be conveniently filming just before the attempts, almost as if it were planned. This raises serious questions about the integrity of our media and the potential involvement of powerful interests in these attempts. It's a chilling thought that those who challenge the status quo and fight for the American people could be targeted in such a manner.

Furthermore, the impact of non-detained illegal aliens on our society is staggering. New ICE data reveals that 13,099 illegal aliens living in the U.S. have been convicted of murder. Additionally, over 20,000 have been accused or convicted of rape. In total, 425,431 non-detained illegal aliens were convicted of crimes and should never have been released into our country. These are not just statistics; these are real lives affected, real families torn apart, and real communities living in fear.

Even more alarming is the border crisis under the current administration. Reports indicate that over 320,000 children have gone missing from the border crisis under Vice President Kamala Harris's watch. This is a humanitarian disaster of epic proportions, and it is a direct result of the failed policies and lack of leadership from our elected officials.

In the words of former President Reagan, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."

Let us not be the generation that allows freedom to slip away. Let us stand up and fight for the future of our country. Let us demand that our elected representatives put the interests of the American people first. And let us never forget the sacrifices that have been made to preserve our freedom and our way of life.

But let us also remember that when people are backed into a corner, they will fight back. Let us hope that our government heeds the warnings and changes course before it is too late. And let us remain vigilant against those who would seek to silence the voices of those who stand for truth and justice.


A Concerned Disabled American Veteran
