Comparing Historical Movie "Free State of Jones" and how history repeats


Dear Journal,

Today, I finally sat down to watch "The Free State of Jones," and it hit me harder than I expected. As a Marine veteran, I know all too well the weight of sacrifice and the fight for freedom, but this film brought a raw, historical perspective to it that left me reflecting deeply on our current state of affairs.

The movie tells the story of Newton Knight, a man who, during the Civil War, dared to defy the Confederacy and fight for what he believed was right. His journey reveals the harsh reality of how the government manipulated laws and wielded power to maintain control, often at the expense of those seeking freedom. It was a brutal reminder of how easily tyranny can creep into society, especially when people remain silent.

Watching Knight’s struggles to build a community based on principles of equality and justice resonated with me. His decision to form a multiracial community, standing up against a government that sought to oppress, is something we need to replicate today. When he organized resistance against the Confederacy, it wasn’t just an act of rebellion; it was a declaration that freedom and justice matter more than submission to corrupt power.

One poignant scene shows Knight and his fellow soldiers confronting the injustices inflicted upon their community. They refuse to accept the status quo, illustrating the importance of unity and collective action. This mirrors today’s climate where we need to come together—across races and backgrounds—to challenge systemic injustices and advocate for true representation.

The film underscores how those in power—historically, greedy politicians—manipulated systems for their own gain. It’s often overlooked that the Democratic Party, particularly in the post-Civil War era, played a significant role in fostering groups like the Ku Klux Klan to maintain control and suppress true freedom for all, while many Republicans fought for liberty and equality.

In another powerful moment, Knight’s group decides to take matters into their own hands, risking everything for their beliefs. Today, we too must be willing to take action—whether through peaceful protests, civic engagement, or simply educating ourselves and others about our rights. The fight against government overreach, censorship, and social injustice requires us to be vigilant and proactive.

If we, the people, don’t stand up and challenge this growing tyranny, we risk repeating the mistakes of the past. The film drives home the message that complacency can lead to the very real possibility of losing the freedoms we hold dear. Knight’s courage reminds us that true change requires action—sometimes at great personal cost.

We must learn from history, not just to remember those who fought before us, but to ignite our own spirit of resistance. We have to engage, speak out, and hold those in power accountable, regardless of party affiliation. Otherwise, we risk becoming spectators in our own lives, watching as freedom slips away, just like it did for those who fought in Jones County. The fight for liberty is never over; it's a responsibility we all share, and it’s a battle worth fighting for.

This is a must see movie and should have been talked about as it is seriously an amazing movie!  

Yours truly,

A Disgruntled Disabled Marine Veteran
