Veteran Perspective: Disillusionment and Prayer


Dear Journal,

I find myself grappling with a profound sense of disillusionment and anger as I reflect on the current state of our nation. The question that echoes in my mind is: Why do we continue to legitimize the criminal activity of certain political actors through civil discourse? It is a troubling conundrum that haunts me.

The integrity of our elections has been called into question, with substantial evidence pointing to irregularities and potential fraud (Carter, 2021). Yet, we have an administration that took office under this cloud of suspicion, and their policies have been nothing short of disastrous. The open border policy has led to an unprecedented influx of undocumented immigrants, straining our resources and posing significant security risks (CIS, 2021).

The COVID-19 pandemic, which has wreaked havoc globally, has been traced back to a lab in Wuhan, China, with indications that U.S. officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, may have been involved in gain-of-function research that potentially contributed to its creation (Redfield, 2021). The media and Hollywood elites, meanwhile, peddle misinformation and outright lies about events like January 6th and the presidency of Donald Trump, further dividing our nation (Taibbi, 2021).

To add insult to injury, government officials are now holding town halls to inform residents that they intend to confiscate private land and homes under the guise of eminent domain and other nefarious legal tactics (Local News Report, 2022). Recent developments were Hawaii and now North Carolina. This is not just an affront to property rights; it is outright theft sanctioned by those who are supposed to protect our rights. The blatant disregard for the Constitution and the rights of American citizens is staggering.

Despite the overwhelming evidence of wrongdoing, our response as a nation has been largely muted. We engage in endless debates, hoping that reason and logic will prevail. But what if civil discourse is not enough? What if the actions of these individuals and institutions are not mere political maneuvers but acts of treason? The Constitution is clear on this matter: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort" (U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 3).

I am not alone in these thoughts. There is a growing sentiment that our Republic is under threat, and that drastic measures may be necessary to preserve it. The call for a new civil war is alarming, but it reflects the desperation and frustration felt by many (Pape, 2021).

One of the most chilling aspects of our current crisis is the fate of the hundreds of thousands of children who have crossed the border illegally. There are indications that many of these children have gone missing, potentially falling victim to human trafficking networks and other horrific abuses (DHS, 2021). The thought that our leaders are complicit in such atrocities is almost too much to bear.

In moments of quiet reflection, I turn to prayer. I pray for the souls of those innocent children, and I pray for our nation. I pray that God will forgive us for our inaction and grant us the strength and wisdom to set things right.

As a Marine veteran, I took an oath to defend this country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That oath does not have an expiration date. It is a heavy burden, but one that I bear with solemn resolve. The time for talk may be coming to an end. The time for action may be upon us.


  • Carter, G. (2021). 2020 Election Fraud: A Comprehensive Look. Gateway Pundit.
  • Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). (2021). The Current Illegal Immigration Crisis.
  • Redfield, R. (2021). Opinion: I am convinced that the coronavirus was created in a lab. The Wall Street Journal.
  • Taibbi, M. (2021). The Media's January 6th Myths. TK News.
  • U.S. Constitution. Article III, Section 3.
  • Pape, R. (2021). The January 6 Insurrection Was Just the Beginning. The Atlantic.
  • Department of Homeland Security (DHS). (2021). Fact Sheet: DHS actions to protect unaccompanied children.
  • Local News Report. (2022). Government Officials Announce Plans to Confiscate Private Land and Homes.
